Ideas on how to raise money for Movember at work/school/personal/team

Figuring out a good way to make your Movember campaign can be hard. A repertoire of fundraising ideas is hard to come by despite its importance to success. With that in mind, here is a list of curated tips and tricks on how to make your next Movember more successful!
I've gotten these ideas from other fund raising activities and from doing Movember for 4 years!

Old School is still good:

Since the dawn of time a bake sale is awesome to raise money. But the simplicity of it is what’s helped it withstand time. A unique twist on this classic will set you apart. Example: Face cookies with moustache icing.

Simple Promotion:

Get people to add the movember link to their signature on their e-mail address. It's a quick and easy way to get people to the website.

The power of friendship:

Get some help from your friends. It's a good cause and they are the most likely people to help. (Don't hassle them)

Don’t be afraid to be goofy!:

Let's face it the campaign in of itself is silly in nature. Fun and humour are great ways to connect with people and make money for the cause. So let that personality shine through in your fundraising with these ideas for inspiration! Example: I'm making all my youtube videos relate to Movember.

Rewards and Thank you:

People who donate to you or to Movember are spectacular folks! A personalized thank you is cool, or if you can get your local shop to donate a prize. If you're at work see if your boss would be willing to make a day off a prize!

Get physical:

Organize a something-a-thon. Not a marathon runner? That’s no reason to shy away from physical feats as potential ways to raise money. Physical challenges are a great way to rally donors behind the cause, and can work for you no matter your level of physical fitness. A favourite of mine is the stair a thon. You have people go from the bottom floor to the top as many times as they can in 5 or 10 minutes for 5 dollars and split the pot with the top 3 finishers.
Take advantage of significant dates:
This can go back to being goofy, but giving people a reason to donate THAT day can have a profound effect. "Did you know on November 6th 1935-The 1st test flight of British Hurricane aircraft took place? I bet that man had an awesome moustache! Show your appreciation by Donating today!"

Get together in person:

Yes, the internet is a fantastic tool and has worked wonders for the fundraising business, but I can’t stress enough how important it is to complement your online efforts with offline events.

Diversify your event:

Create as many opportunities to collect donations as possible and always emphasize your cause. There are so many things you and your team can do for Movember. Try to take on as many as you can! However.....

Stay organized:

Make a list of all the different social groups you’re part of, both online and off: church groups, coworkers, classmates, etc.

The bottom line:

Fundraising today is pushing boundaries and expanding beyond tradition which is really where Movember started just a few short years ago and with a little human ingenuity you can raise more money for the cause.

(Not sure where to start?) The Movember website has great ideas and ways to help you figure out your first step. I sincerely suggest you check it out!

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