Money doesn't buy happiness on the other hand, it buys everything else.

Money doesn't buy happiness on the other hand, it buys everything else.

Hi Cherry Pickers, so with a new camera for fancy new videos, chromebook, trip to Montreal and a move to pay for, my wallet is well….

If Canada still made pennies I wouldn't even have the 2 to rub together! But Cherry! “Money can’t buy happiness!”

Ever have to deal with one of these meat bags saying that? I find it to be one of the most deluded sayings that are found in the English language today.  While it’s true there is no Happiness store, money/currency ect pays for the hobbies I enjoy so it might as well be the same thing….or should it?

Money is a tool and like any tool it’s used to complete a task. Saying money doesn't buy happiness is the same as saying a hammer doesn't build a home. It’s a distinction that people love to forget. Having tools make achieving your goals that much easier to attain and as a by-product achieve happiness.

With that being said this is where the perversion begins. There are those who want the hammer just for the sake of having the hammer and they’re not happy with just one hammer. They want all the hammers they can gather. When this happens people lose sight on the actual point of the tool and begin to idolize it. This is a manifestation I call Peverso. It’s a creepy little goblin like creature that loves the show hoarders and generally doesn't put on deodorant.
Peverso is an asshole. It makes you question if you should do something you and yours will enjoy or use the tool to get more of the same tool. It’s the devil on peoples’ shoulder.
The sketchy lawyer, the greed of weak men, paper clip of annoyance.
How about happiness that comes without the need of money? Like family and love?
Well for one the difference between sex and love is an expensive dinner and 50$.
So I won’t be touching that, however there are different kinds of happiness. Just as you can have 100000 different ice cream flavours the same can be said for happiness and samples are available everywhere. Happiness can come from the birth of a child, defeating the boss in god of war, getting your first car, your first kiss, getting that big promotion over that ass Bill from accounting. They’re all forms of happiness, some of which need money and some which don’t. However in every case Peverso can rear its ugly head and make you think money is needed and keep you from that form of happiness.
So yes, money doesn’t buy happiness it’s not supposed to. It’s to be used to make whatever your actual happiness is easier to reach. But like any tool it’s dangerous and if you’re not careful you can do more harm then good.

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